Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Impact Of Globalization On The People Of China
Introduction Globalization is a worldwide growth phenomenon where economies, communities, and traditions are being integrated through increased interaction (Goodman). However, the phenomenon has come amid controversies. It has both positive and negative effects on the globe. Positive effects include globalization of western corporations that at some point had their businesses solely operating in the western nations (Goodman). Fast communication channels have interconnected people around the world through mediums such as instant messaging, instant internet connections, and webcams that have replaced the slow paper mail (Goodman). Some of the negative effects include loss of culture especially in the third world countries. It has also led to exploitation especially of labor where employees work in very inhumane environments (Goodman). This paper will focus on a few aspects of globalization and how they have influenced the people of China especially their eating habits. Coffee is quickly replacing t he tea culture and fast food chains have targeted the large Chinese market. This change in the Chinese eating culture has come with some challenges like health problems. Coffee Culture Tea drinking has long history in China. It dates back to 5000 years ago when Emperor Sheng Nong was in the process boiling water and some teal leaves fell into the pot (Goodman). The quant tale is a clear demonstration of the key role tea plays in the Chinese tradition and history. Steaming cups ofShow MoreRelatedGlobalization Is A Process Of Interaction And Integration Among The People, Economics And Government Of Different Countries1329 Words  | 6 Pages Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, economics and government of different nationalities. Globalization is not new, over thousands of years; globalization has progressed through travel, migration and the spread of culture. Globalization has many effects on the world today. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Bible Is The Account Of God s Action - 864 Words
The Bible is the account of God’s action in the world through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It also explains what God’s purpose is for His people and creation. I believe that it is important to spend time in this Living Word, so that we can better understand the way God intends for us to live and further His kingdom. â€Å"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness†(2 Timothy 3:16). I believe these words were given to us for a reason and have so many lessons pertaining to each scripture. Understanding what is written can often be tricky, so it is essential to spend time in devotion, interpreting scriptures, and seeking God to reveal more meaning behind them. Two challenging scriptures to discern are 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and Matthew 5:27-30. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 scripture states â€Å"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.†This a normative passage that is an essential universal teaching to all. This verse, for me, means that in all seasons of life you should rejoice, pray, and give thanks. These seasons may be full of sorrow, joy, sadness, or happiness, but regardless you should still gladly fulfill this command that was given to you through Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians was written by Paul and directed towards a group of new believers. As you start your spiritual journey, you are fully committed and on fire for Christ. As timesShow MoreRelatedGod And The Potter Of Our Lives973 Words  | 4 PagesOnly God can judge me. Have you ever heard this phrase? Many people use this phrase today in society, but do they really give their faithfulness to God? A time will come when everyone must answer to God for their choices and actions. Our nation today is resembling the nation of Judah increasingly each day. God is known as the Divine Potter of our lives, and He has a plan in sto re for us. God sent His son to wash away our sins for us, but not everyone gives thanks to the Lord for His goodness. YetRead MoreThe Teachings Of The Bible894 Words  | 4 Pagesit s your spiritual beliefs and it s a strong belief in a personal God . My religion is Christianity . I believe that God has revealed himself and can be known in a personal way in life . When we have Jesus Christ we do not focus on the religious rituals or performing good works , we enjoy getting a relationship with God and growing a powerful bond so that we can get to know him better . The Bible is the account of God s action in the world , and his purpose with all creation .The Bible containsRead MoreThe Evolution Of Human Origins1179 Words  | 5 PagesInitial ideas of human origins are reflected in the ancient mythologies. 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The sacred book of Judaism is the Torah, which consistsRead MoreThe Field Of Biblical Literary Criticism1168 Words  | 5 PagesRobert Alter s 1981 The Art of Biblical Narrative stamps the symbolic arrival of a style of analysis that has now become entrenched in modern biblical research. Robert Alter argues that the Bible is a largely cohesive literary text to be read with a literary purpose. In this essay it is asked if assumptions about texts predicated on the study of modern literature can be profitably applied to a multiple-authored, multi-layered collection of ancient provenance such as the Hebrew Bible and offers aRead MoreA Religious Appearance Of Creationism985 Words  | 4 Pagesto be accomplished in the public academy system. The foundation of change is based aloft the accepting that the agent of all ordered circuitous systems, including active creatures, can be explained by accustomed laws after the admission or action of God. A person who believes in the biblical archetypal of conception is beheld by some non- believers as a naive, bigoted religious activist who is not accommodating to look at the appreciable affirmation with an accessible mind. Because the evolutionaryRead MoreSaved By Grace Through Faith : So Do Works Matter?1571 Words  | 7 Pagesthe themes that are central to its belief system is the theme of Salvation. It all began in Heaven when Lucifer (now called Satan or devil) was dismissed from Heaven for stubborn rebellion against the divine government of God. You can read the brief account in the following bible references: Ezekiel 28:12 - 19; Isaiah 14:12 - 15; Revelation 12:7 - 9. He was cast out with those angels who decided to take sides with him, knowing well the consequences of following the path of rebellion. This was theRead MoreWhat Are You? How Do You Exist?1050 Words  | 5 Pagesimage of that Creator, God. It says in the bible that he formed man out of dust from the ground, blew into his nostrils the breath of life, â€Å"and the man came to be a living soul.†(Ge 2:7; 1Co 15:45) What is the purpose of life? I believe our intelligence, conscience and ability to reason imply the Creator had a reason or purpose in creating mankind. So then logically we can only find our true purpose by living in harmony with the Creator’s purpose. The Bible teaches that God had a specific purposeRead MoreThe Human Nature Of Humanity Essay1660 Words  | 7 Pagescentury English thinker John Locke who maintained that governments derive their legitimacy from the consent of the governed ideas of religious freedom followed from the enlightenment notion that the natural region of community was a simple believe in God the Creator, virtue, and the goodness and freedom of humanity. Wars over religious differences were scandalous and irrational from this perspective and we re essentially result of religious authorities trying to force us into pond everyone. EnlightenmentRead MoreSalvation : God s Children1391 Words  | 6 PagesIslamic religion. Each of these branches of faith/religion tends to hold dif ferent views about what salvation is and how one is to achieve salvation before dying. Based on the teachings of the Jewish faith, salvation is based on the messages from God saying that one day He would return back to His land and redeem the people of Israel from their various exiles. Jews tend to believe that there is no specific process to achieving that happily ever after. According to the Torah, in Genesis 4:7, it states
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Number One System to Use for Writing Essay Samples for 8th Grade Uncovered
The Number One System to Use for Writing Essay Samples for 8th Grade Uncovered While the GPA and percentile is a straightforward formula, it's important to see that it's not always as easy as a number. As with GPA, it is determined through a mathematical calculation. Because the work appears in so many unique editions, you should cite certain lines rather than utilizing the standard MLA author-page number format. In any event, you should incorporate a concise summary that introduces the setting and plot and a description of the chief characters. Book reports are vital to the crucial reading procedure. Seventh-graders utilize every phase of the writing procedure and continue to construct their understanding of writing conventions. In earlier times you've stated that the move of independence may be too early. Write down the most important goal you want to accomplish to your informative speech. You're not totally convinced that independence is the thing to do. If you don't understand what is going on and why, your self esteem can suffer and you may become paralyzed. You've got zero idea where you're. Brainstorm ideas and pick the topic that's ready to attract your audience. Though it might not be possible to get ready for all of the problems that could find its place in the GRE question banks, but some sort of prioritizing would invariably be be of great assistance. From its name, you can guess that you need to have a crystal clear picture of a particular thing so as to offer your reader with a crystal clear and concise explanation. The family that used to reside in the city will learn that they definitely will need to do research before investing in real estate in the nation for a price which is too fantastic to trust. Pick a topic which you like. People are now overly determined by technology. Technology and the usage of the web has changed how my company is marketed. If you're going to compose an expository essay, be ready to devote much time hitting books. Your book report does not need to be persuasive, however. Locate the trust worthy information for the essay topic you are likely to work on. If you don't believe that you have sufficient basic wisdom and experience to compose a brilliant expository essay, you may use the customized paper help online. Inside this section you'll find samples of essays belonging to several essay types and manners of formatting. Take a look at the expository essay samples, which one can easily find online nowadays. There are lots of expository essay topics to select from. How to compose a persuasive essay. You are going to feel more confident, when you deliver your speech, should you feel confident and passionate about the subject. What's a persuasive essay. To start with, you should secure the significance of the expository essay definition and decide on the topic you understand well or at least find it interesting to find out more about. What is a great case of a persuasive essay. Where to Find Writing Essay Samples for 8th Grade Some schools enable students to switch classes many times throughout the year to provide each student a larger selection of experience. To get ready for the demands of middle school and higher school writing, fifth graders ought to be mastering skills needed for strong nonfiction writing. In eighth grade, students utilize every phase of the writing procedure and continue to construct their understanding of writing conventions. Teachers can keep students engaged by employing technology in projects to provide students an extra method to share their cre ativity beyond written projects. You may also easily compare prices at various vendors. Request prices in lots of places and compare them to comprehend how much it would cost to obtain the crucial sample. If an item exists, then you are going to probably have the ability to buy it online somewhere, and frequently you will also receive options of buying an item that's in a used condition, together with new. You've got easy accessibility to price comparisons and reviews of the products which you want to know more about buying. There is an abundance of information that can be found on the internet that you are able to research and gather for such a topic. You've got a maximum quantity of choice if buying products via the world wide web. There are a lot of coupons, and other kinds of special offers out there. In addition to internal markets, shopping online offers you accessibility to international goods. My preferred method is to choose what the most important character's journey is. Describe the 1 weapon you would suggest to your army to make sure that you're adequately protected. Randomly pick a few sheets every day, and have everybody in the class try to guess who is being described. You've woken up in the center of the desert.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Child Custody Evaluation free essay sample
Each year about 1. 2 million marriages end in divorce, and many divorcing couples have children (PatelJones, 2008). In the year 2006 more than 1. 1 million children were living with a parent who was divorced or separated. Though most parents face the challenges associated with divorce or separation in a healthy and successful manner without high-conflict interactions. However, according to Patel and Jones about 10% of divorce cases involving children disagreement on custody and visitation arrangements leads to litigation(2008). In these cases, it is often left to the court to make decisions about custody, and several custody cases are referred to court-appointed mental health experts during the process. Patel and Jones state that mental health counselors possess the knowledge and skills to be effective mental health evaluators in child custody disputes. However, these counselors must be able familiar with guiding principles and standards that are in the area they are in. Thus, a counselor must not only know the standards of the counseling profession American Mental Health Counseling Associate and American Counseling Association but also standards and principles specific to evaluations in child custody cases (2008). The reason for a custody evaluation is to make a decision that is in the best interest of the child/children. A custody evaluation may also be ordered when there is a significant change in circumstances relating to custody of the child, such as the proposed relocation of one parent (Barth, 2011). Mental health evaluations used in child custody cases give family courts a thorough and unbiased assessment about the functionality of a family and the child’s best interests. Most evaluations include recommendations for primary custody of the child as well as visitation rights (Bow Quinnell, 2004 as cited by Patel Jones, 2008). Written reports document the evaluator’s findings and recommendations, and evaluators testify in court. most are based in part on the custody section of the Uniform Marriage and Divorce Act (1979) and cover (a) the parents’ wishes; (b) the child’s wishes; (c) interactions and relationships between parents, children, and other significant persons; (d) the child’s adjustment to home, school, and community; and (e) the mental and physical health of all individuals involved. States may also take into account other custody factors, such as a parent’s ability to provide for the child, moral fitness, and other non psychological factors (Patel Jones, 2008). Patel and Jones (2008) report that the three main reasons judges recommended a mental health evaluation were allegations of physical, sexual abuse or neglect, allegations that a parent was mentally unstable, and parental conflict. Besides having a master’s degree in mental health counseling or a related field, evaluators need to be competent in a wide range of topics related to child custody, such as child development, psychopathology, interviewing techniques, and family systems. According to Patel and Jones (2008) mental health counselors must understand the law and local rules governing child custody in their jurisdiction. The counselor must understand the ethical considerations associated with mental health evaluations, including the data collection process, limits of confidentiality, ex parte communications, and multiple relationships. They must also understand the distinctions between the counselor and evaluator roles. They must also understand the complexities of divorce or separation processes and common issues concerning children in custody disputes, such as parent-child relationships, blended families, parental alienation, domestic violence, substance abuse, and child abuse. It is recommended that for training in custody-related mental health evaluations, counselors seek out graduate courses, workshops, or conferences; counselors with less than two years experience conducting evaluations should seek supervision (Patel Jones, 2008). Mental health counselors must possess the knowledge, skills, and training to be effective mental health evaluators in child custody disputes. It is important that judges have accurate information about the family that allows them to make decisions that will be in the best interests of the child. Mental health evaluations used in child custody cases should be able to give family courts a thorough and unbiased assessment about the functionality of a family and the child’s best interests. Lee, Borelli and West (2011) state that ‘‘best interests of the child’’ legal standard, custody evaluators rely on their assessment of the parent-child relationships. A counselor should be able to identify each parent’s capacity to meet the needs of the child. A negative aspect to the judges decision is that it can result in the relocation of child with a parent which in turn disturbing the childs familiar way of life(Kennedy, 2012). About 10% of divorcing families have disagreements about custody that are significant enough to lead to court involvement about custody or visitation because according to Lebow and Black (2012) these parents also typically exhibit skills deficits in several areas. At the individual level, these parents often have difficulty understanding another person’s perspective and tend to focus on their own needs rather than on the needs of others. There is a possibility that these parents almost always have extreme difficulties with communication which ultimately leads to the court being involved. Effects: Mental health evaluations in child custody disputes give family courts an avenue to obtain a thorough assessment of how the family functions. Thus, many court- ordered custody evaluations will suggest family therapy with all members of the family; such as, sessions with both parents, individual parent sessions, and individual child sessions (Lebow Black, 2012). Lebow and Black (2012) write that parents that have to go through custody evaluations are a unique group of divorcing parents. The difference between these parents and others is that everyone involved is upset during the time of divorce when most parents are prioritizing the maximum amount of time they can spend with their children and their influence on their children’s lives. Yet during a divorce for most parents have to deal with the negative factors that become evoked in custody such as time with children disputes at the expense of negative effects on the children, harm to their former spouse, living with conflict, the sorts of factors about which judges frequently reminds the parents which does little to alleviate the conflict. Typically, communication tends to be very because one or both parents become emotionally flooded easily. Given an escalating divorcing process, attitudes and behavior of each readily become proof of the rightness of one’s own cause. The parent envisions his or her position as being ‘‘in the best interest of the child’’ through the rigid lens of how they see their former partner. although custody evaluators might have little trouble sorting out which parents present threats to children, their evaluation might be opposite to the parents’ perception of threat. Parents may perceive each other as being a threat to children due to their own psychopathology or the level of conflict in their particular situation. Johnston, Walters, and Olesen (2005) report in an early community study of divorce followed five years after separation the children have reported feeling reluctant to visit the non-custodial parent. Its also noted that several years after the divorce children were in â€Å"extreme alignments†putting one parent again the other which leads rejection from one parent. These more extreme forms of rejection included sustained expressions of anger, dislike, scorn, and complaints about the parent that were at times backed up by the child citing family stories or allegations of maltreatment, which is often accompanied by resistance or a refusal to visit with a parent (Johnston et al. 2005). Fathers tended to be more strongly rejected by their children than were mothers. Austin (2011) states preferences for mothers is defined as gatekeeping. This is an attempt to restrict and exclude fathers from child care and involvement with their children. Sons and daughters were about equally likely to take this stance and align with one parent against the other. The influence of one parent to another highly effective because in Johnston et al. 2005 states that parents showed fairly consistent indicators of behavior that could have sabotaged the child’s relationship with the other parent, for example, by telling negative stories and blaming the other parent, modeling hostile demeaning behavior in the child’s presence, using the child to convey these messages, and responding with anger if the child was inclined to express positive feelings about the other parent. Johnston et al. (2005) found that parents who were alienating their children were also those who had poor boundaries and engaged in role reversal with their children. These parents seem to have a hard time distinguishing their own feelings from those of their child, and the child often becomes the parent’s confidante. This finding concurs with our clinical experience that parents’ psychological neediness, quite apart from their feelings of hostility toward the ex-spouse, may propel children toward siding with one parent and a result it influences rejection. Intervention: Bow, Gottlieb, Gould-Saltman, Hendershot (2011) provide an order of how a mental health counselor may provide support to the parent and attorney and help them identify resources to assist with case-specific needs. Second, a mental health consultant may teach the parent new skills to facilitate a resolution to the dispute. Third, a consultant may collaborate with the attorney and parent as a team throughout the court process, in the hope of resolving the matter. Fourth, a mental health consultant may provide therapy for the parent to address unresolved issues that might impact parenting. Fifth, mental health consultants may act as parenting plan advisors. During this time of conflict it is beneficial to have as much good therapy is as possible. In these cases, everyone is traumatized and parents need help in order to recognize their roles in the problem and to see how they can reduce the difficulty, and children need help to see how to cope with the situation in which they live (Lebow and Black, 2012). However, most families are constrained by finances or time making it difficult to attend the three or more therapy sessions per week that might be called for if there is to be individual therapy for the parents, conjoint therapy for the parents, child therapies, and family therapies. Lebow and Black (2012) write that there is a belief that therapy will convince the court that ‘‘my needs are the most reasonable here’’ is a common distortion about how the court functions and about the purpose of treatment. The therapist should apply their skill to reframing as well as other strategies to help family members work toward goals that they may not originally embrace. The therapist must be able to find a way to confront and work with dysfunctional behavior while keeping a positive alliance with each party. In order to develop and maintain a consistent alliance with all family members, the therapist should regularly assess the therapeutic alliance formally (Lebow Black, 2012) Lebow and Black report that psychoeducation is a particularly crucial and potent intervention for this population. Several content areas are important to cover with these parents (2012). First, parents need to develop an understanding of children’s reactions to divorce and child custody battles. Specifically, parents need to become aware of normative reactions to divorce and parental conflict. Normalizing children’s reactions such as experiencing anxiety or having difficulties adjusting between households helps decrease negative attributions parents may have toward one another. Families often make sense of their children’s normative reactions as signs of special difficulty on the part of the other parent when in actuality the child is experiencing separation anxiety from their original home and the other parent when with the primary parent. Secondly, parents need to develop an understanding the risks of how too much parent involvement can cause conflict with children The parents may need to learn appropriate parenting skills. Many parents, particularly those new to the principal caretaking role, may lack the skill sets needed to care for their children. Finally, in high-conflict divorce, parents often need to increase their understanding of what cause the other to escalate by learning about the negative impact of both aggressive and passive-aggressive behaviors. Working with court-involved parents is one of the most stressful contexts of therapy. Therapists working with this population should develop strong support systems in the therapy and legal communities. Therapists need to learn the ethics involved in working with this population as well as learn how to work with these families without experiencing burnout (Lebow Black, 2012). Conclusion: A child custody evaluation can be highly stressful for the parents involved particularly for the children involved . It takes well-trained mental health counselor who is also knowledgeable of the legal system to take on these sensitive cases. It easy to forget the children that are involved and how they are impacted by a divorce. Although the decisions are to be in the best interest of the child I believe the parents and even the legal system lose sight into what is actually in the best interest of the child. It is imperative that mental health counselors made a part of the custody dispute process to ensure that the children involved are not overlooked and properly prepared for the outcomes.
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